I believe it is not by accident or by chance that you came to our page. God in his own special plan connected us together. As you keep on coming to this site and associate with us, your faith and your love will increase and also all your problems will be solved. Living in victory shall be the mark of your life.
ViewVGC is a casual, contemporary, Christian church with a vision of raising victorious end time saints for God. If you are looking for a church in the Silver Spring, Maryland. VGC - Victorious God's Church-- makes feel everyone welcomed. We are launching a new church in this part of the city. Therefore, you will feel great in becoming a builder of community of believers for the Lord.
ViewOur Worship services are very dynamic. We experience sweet presence of the Holy Spirit in our worship. And the message which is relevant will help you live a victorious Christian life. Connect with like minded people and be encouraged to live for a good cause.
ViewPlace: 1611 Briggs Chaney Rd, Silver Spring, Md 20905
We are a multicultural group
You will be respected and loved the way you are
"3He restores my soul;He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake" (Ps 23:3)-- NKJV .
The church is your place of victory
Join Victorious God's church today and take part in our activities. Jesus expects all who follow Him to help others find and follow Him. Following Jesus does not mean that we cut off all contact with non-Christians. Rather, it means we actively seek to introduce them to Jesus
Request a prayer. We have been praying with and for people throughout the world. Whatever your prayer need, finding peace of mind provides a foundation of strength to face any situation. Your request is a sacred trust and is kept confidential. There is never a charge for this service
We want to be a people of purpose, trained and equipped for whatever God called us to do and to be. To help encourage and prepare us, we have a range of events and courses running throughout the year. To view our online Church Calendar and book onto events, please click on the link below